Hand Strapping And Tawsing update

With over 7,000 words of hand strapping and tawsing text in the pipeline, and more discussions with contacts, the next major post on this topic is coming (slowly).


You stand then slowly extend your hands. You face your punisher, the mistress, as she raises the tawse over her shoulder. You know how painful this will be, yet you have come back time and again for this.

Why is this a ‘thing’?

Why do you return?

Ms Tawse

The Story Of a Lifetime

Hand strapping and tawsing has been with me for all my life from adolescence till now. And that is a lot of decades.

Also I am not alone. Far from it. I have regular pro-dom BDSM sessions and every mistress I have visited, over 20, have all done hand strapping and tawsing and not been either surprised or unacquainted with this kind of punishment.

There is nothing quite so subservient or challenging to be kneeling, naked, in front of the mistress as she raises a heavyleather strap over her shoulder.

Regressing : Hand Strapping And Tawsing

many tawse

Regressing to the school years, seeing the tawse or strap over a shoulder and ready for use tugs at the inner needs for corporal punishment.

Standing then getting the strap, ‘the cuts’ brings it all back.

Then a good hard six of the best of the tawse stings like nothing else. That is until the next six arrive, then the six after that.

Stay Tuned

A complete re-write of the next post on this most poorly understood yet strangely appealing topic is happening.