Best Wishes – Peace To All

Seasons Greetings


Peace and Good Will To All

Here at Silent Quivers we wish all our readers and followers the most wonderful Christmas, end of year break, and New Year.

For us, the spirit of Christmas is peace, kindness and a time to bond with those around us.

We wish that for everyone.

What Will 2020 Bring?

Welcome 2020

Peace and happiness are mandatory. Same for health. I take responsibility for that and now more than ever it has become important.

But what about life itself?

Re-read this. I was cleaning out my bookshelf and there it was – a book of condensed inspiration. Skimming it I found the pencil underlined sections and I know I got so much from it. Time to top-up.

It took one minute to discover this. It rings true. “Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stephen R Covey.

I am going to learn something new. Self honesty tells me that I’ve not really learned anything new for the last few years. I know when I really try, I can do most things. The problem is motivation – so that is what I’m going to work on. I’m going to pick something new that interests me then kick into it. Learn it. It will be something that dove-tails with my other hobbies so it all works together.

One of my other hobbies is photography. It is something I’ve always enjoyed but never really pursued properly. Composition, lighting, technical aspects are all intriguing and calling out to me. It is time I made a significant investment in equipment, time and effort. I feel I want to capture more and better of the world around me. At this time in my life with my children finding partners, documenting the journey feels more important than ever before.

Something I struggle with. Write a journal. With the changes in my life from self honesty, embracing that which I truly am, and getting older – I feel the need to document my life. Part of it is that I’ve never felt happier. I’d like to capture that. I’m cognizant that my hourglass hasn’t got that much sand left in it, I’d just like to make the most of it and document it.

Those are my goals.

What are yours?