I received a fine email today from “H” outlining the discipline that his Wonderful Wife applies through hand strapping.
Here I will share my answer to all those others in a similar position, and to those who may be considering following this commendable lead.
"H" you are lucky to have a Wonderful Wife
First and foremost you are truly lucky to have such a caring and Wonderful Wife who is able to provide for your needs and to help you through life so thoughtfully and effectively.
As you said, when you need punishment for such awful behaviour as shouting, being angry and all the other situations, then yes, She is both a wonderful Wife and you do need the punishment She provides.
Not only that, from the tone of your email, it is clerar that She cares for your mental health through Her discipline so that those ‘black dog days’ when it all gets too much are banished by the leather.
Kudos and respect to your Wonderful Wife.
I Do Have Some Concerns
“H” you mentioned how you sometimes are strapped above the palm and I am sure your Caring and Wonderful Wife knows best. Far be it for me to criticise.
However, the wrists are delicate places and due caution must be observed.
Likewise, the hands do have many small bones such that the choice of implements and severity of use must take into consideration.
Another real concern I have is that your Wonderful Wife clearly cares for your special needs, your mental health, and keeps you balanced and on the right path. But, as I will outline below, I do hope you are properly thankful and provide for the needs of your Wonderful Wife.
I wonder, as a follow up, would you care to more fully describe the strap your Wonderful Wife uses, how many strokes She administers and a little more detail on the sessions? I will only publish should you and She allow.
Your Hand Strappings
Thank you for sharing your hand strapping scenarios.
Standing in front of your punisher as you watch the implement being used on your open palm is always an experience that brings the sometimes unwilling recipient down to earth. It focuses the mind on the present and it ensures that the punishment, that the discipline, sinks in properly.
As the palms redden, as the sting increases and then eventually when they shake from the strapping, it all serves to help one know one’s place in life and to clear the slate, to start again.
There is so much I could say about this form of discipline, and it is the subject of a more major work that has been in preparation for some months now. However it truly is effective and for so many reasons. I am glad it has had the beneficial effects for you that you describe.
Kudos and respect for your Wonderful Wife.
May I Make Some Suggestions?
I hesitate to offer suggestions as it is clear your Wonderful Wife cares for your needs and is obvously in tune with them.
However there are a few little options I have used that She may wish to investigate to give variety to the experience as She sees fit.
Add That Little Extra Sting. When delivering a fine hand strapping or tawsing, the implement is lifted over a shoulder then brought down along the length of the palm and fingers. Usually.
And doesn’t it work so well! The crisp crack of leather on palm, then the face that shows the effect makes this a uniquely suitable and effective punishment for naughty boys and girls hands.
A seldom known technique that can enhance the effect is, after raising the implement over the shoulder, is to reach around and behind the back with the other hand then grip the hanging down tails of the implement firmly.
Then, as the recipient watches with an increasing sense of dread, the implement is placed under tension with both hands gripping firmly as the implement is pulled. At the right moment the tail is released so that the implement fairly flashes down with increased speed.
All this leads to a rather interesting visual effect, and also an increase in severity. The visual effect can be for your Wonderful Wife to show by her extra effort that she cares and to highlight her femininity as she places the implement under tension.
For your punishment days, when you have been truly awful to your Wife, perhaps She might like to trial this technique at Her leisure.
Standing Vs Kneeling. In my experience when giving and receiving a hand strapping, the effect of kneeling is to make the recipient truly more know their place. To kneel, to hold the hand up at eye height then look at the strap laying on the palm in preparation for the next stroke enhances the experience.
As you look over the top of the strap at your Wonderful Wife with Her arm extended, you know She cares.
Likewise the effect is highlighted when the strap is raised over a shoulder. To kneel and watch, as the leather is poised for a moment high and ready, pushes the whole experience deeper.
For you, you would be looking UP at your Wonderful Wife. She cares enough to give you discipline so you would be also saying that you accept it properly.
Collaring Enhances Hand Strapping. It certainly does but one must be super careful it is not done tightly and without care. The feeling of a leather collar or a loosely wound belt (always un buckled for safety) around the neck as the hands are raised for the strap helps the punishment sink in.
“H” when your Wife straps you, if She has collared you, you will know your place. She will be in control and it will be for Her to use the strap as She sees fit.
Perhaps being naked would help. To be naked and kneeling, watching the strap being used leaves no dount in one’s mind what is happening. It helps focus the mind and it ensures you know your place.
Perhaps also, should you become ‘excited’ as you are being punished for a gross rudeness then your Wife will know She needs to apply more punishment. She will be able to see the effect without hearing your gasps and She will know when Her strapping has had the desired effect.
Your Mention Strap, Not Tawse. Yes, the strap when used well most certainly does redden a palm and does bring a sting that is deep down and mind consuming. A nice peice of stiff harness leather does make a wonderful strap and I have more than a few that prove this.
Likewise the end of a belt also, when it is nice leather one about an inch and a half wide and solid can also produce a wonderfully beneficial sting. I am sure your Wife has Her favourites and I am sure She has Her reasons.
But perhaps your Wife may like to try the therapeutic qualities of a fine “XH” (for extra heavy) leather tawse. It would in fact be a fine present for your Wife, and the many stores on the internet will fill your need. Christmas is coming you know so here may be an ideal and most practical present for Her.
Of note is the London Tanners tawse, a most wonderful implement I commend to your Wife. Mine is a 3 tail version which has never failed to bring the kinds of gasps that a well tawsed hand gives.
For those special days when your behaviour has been particularly poor, your Wife may like, at Her pleasure, to apply a quick six of the vey best to each hand. I am quite sure, and depending on the strap She uses, that a fine heavy leather tawse will enhance and drive home the experience quite nicely.
The tawse being quite severe also lends itself to a quick yet very effective punishment. For example if you are rude and impatient when She is getting ready, She may elect to give you a quick six of the very best to each hand. It only takes a minute and the benefit lasts hours. This may also be most beneficial if you are going out with friends, or a work turn, or shopping and your Wife wants to ensure your best behaviour. She may just to make sure, tell you to fetch the tawse then give you a quick double sixer as you kneel, before you leave the house. That way you can remember just how well you should behave as you feel your throbbing palms.
Alternatively, on those black-dog days when you are needing to feed your fetish your Wonderful Wife may elect to give you nice slow warm up with her strap, nice and slow. Each stroke will be given hard with plenty of time to feel the effect and to watch your Wife with Her strap. You can savour the effect, you can bask in the glow of love as your Wonderful Wife disciplines you and sees to your mental health as She brings your hands to a fine warmth with a pink sheen. Then when She chooses She may elect to use Her tawse to finish you off nicely and leave the lasting impression you need.
Sometimes More Is Required. Oh, don’t I know it. To have the hands thoroughly strapped and tawsed is a truly cathartic experience, but, well, it is limited to the hands.
Perhaps and at Her choice, She may wish you to drop your hands, drop your pants to bare then bend over the bed for some bare bottom discipline. Having a tush that is well striped from Her strap, from Her tawse and perhaps even Her favourite belt will help you in your journey. I have found this an ideal addition. It shuld not be ruled out and perhaps your Wife may or may not at Her leisure.
Perhaps you may overstep the mark too far for a mere hand strapping to suffice. Then the bottom takes its share of responsibility for your discipline.
Sometimes it may help for your Wonderful Wife to wear her belt when she knows you need it. She may tap it, run a hand over it and with an eyebrow say ‘This is for you’ and then later, use it.
But when even more is required, may I also suggest that a suitable prison strap such as this fine London Tanners example can also work rather well on the bottom and even the tops of the thighs for the full experience.
I have a very similar prison strap and know the healing effects, and should your Wife so choose, I am sure you will feel those same benefits. You will not be disappointed.
After Time And Reflection. I wonder if after your discipline and punishment sessions, if your Wonderful Wife ensures you have proper reflection time?
Now, I know that sometimes after punishment there is a temptation for those hands to indulge in a pleasure that is perhaps not shared with your Wonderful Wife. That wuld be a pity.
Perhaps She in Her Wisdom may permit it, but may I offer a suggestion?
Perhaps your Wife may like to leave you alone after your punishment to feel the full effects and gain the most benefit from it, particularly if the tawse and prison strap have found full and proper use.
Now, we both know this time can lead to other things so my suggestion is that your Wonderful Wife leaves you in a way that She controls your actions. I am of course talking about leaving you in bondage. She may use some of Her leather belts to bind your aching hands behind your back so they cannot get into mischief. She may also tie your ankles together so you are restrianed and left to reflect on your discipline.
If She is feeling particularly peeved, She may even elect to loop a belt through the wrist and ankle belts to totally immobilize you in a hogtie. I have found this most effective, but it can lead to cramps after a time so I am sure your Winderful Wife will take due care.
Perhaps also, if this were in a darkened room the whole effect might be highly beneficial as then you would only have your Wonderful Wife and your recent punishment to think of.
I also know from experience that the promise of another severe hand tawsing, or prison strapping and preferably both when She returns will add to the whole experience quite nicely.
There is nothing like being in bondage with stinging palms and a red raw bottom from the prison strap as you look at those implements laying there next to you and waiting to be used again. You know how they feel as your palms burn and your bottom and thighs sting. And you wonder how many more you will receive. If you have been horrible to your Wife, you know they will be used hard.
As you lay in bondage you will think about them as you listen for the sounds of your Wonderful Wife to return to give you seconds. Or thirds, as there is nothing to stop Her from repeating this more than once.
Perhaps you may hear your Wife walking in her heels. Is She coming to give another strapping? Then She doesn’t because She is doing what She wants. You may hear Her on the phone, or the doorbell, or the neighbours talking. And you cannot do anything about it. Then later, later when you have accepted your fate and properly understand your place, She returns then you are disciplined properly.
I Do Hope you Thank Her Properly. After your Wife has taken the time to provide what you need, how do you thank her?
Do you provide perhaps the kind of personal service She likes as after all, She had taken care of your needs? I do hope so. It would be rather selfish of you if you had not.
“H” I profess to feel a little concerned that your letter was all about your needs, but what about your Wonderful Wife?
You profess to love her all the more for taking the time to apply the discipline you need, but sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Taking Her Time And Bringing It All Together. I doubt your Wonderful Wife needs instruction as She is quite clearly in tune with your needs.
I know from experience that discipline and punishment are complex issues. It does sound to me like your Wonderful Wife has you well in hand.
Perhaps She may choose to enhance your sessions by adding some of the above ideas – though I am sure She may already be aware of them.
I do admire your Wonderful Wife and wish Her and you all the best.